

Un air de Paris

Occitanie films
Film Commission

The Occitanie Film Commission is the gateway to the territory for all foreign film productions wishing to shoot in Occitanie (South of France).

It provides free logistical assistance to production crews. The film commission promotes filming locations (natural and built heritage), talents (technicians and actors) and technical industries (service providers and film studios). It directs productions to the people who issue filming permits (public or private).

Marin Rosenstiehl (Film Commissioner)


Maxime Beaufey (Film Commissioner)
maxime@occitanie-films.fr / Office : +33 (0)4 67 64 95 68
 / Cell : +33 (0)7 70 39 36 03

Elsa Joulin (Film Commissioner)
elsa@occitanie-films.fr / Office : +33 (0)5 61 13 55 63
 / Cell : +33 (0)6 63 51 52 93

Film France / CNC

Film France, the French Film Commission, now part of the CNC (The French National Centre of Cinema), is the one-stop shop for foreign productions and individuals preparing to film in France. It is responsible for the Tax Rebate for International Production (TRIP).

Daphné Lora (Head of Film France)

Caroline Julliard-Mourgues (Deputy Head of Film France)
 / Office : +33 (0)1 44 34 35 68

Montpellier / Sète

Les Mairies de Montpellier et de Sète et la Métropole de Montpellier sont à votre disposition pour tout ce qui concerne l’occupation du domaine public et la délivrance des autorisations de tournages sur la voie publique.

The Montpellier and Sète town halls and the Montpellier Metropolitan Council are at your disposal for all matters concerning the occupation of public property and the issuing of permits for filming on the city’s streets and public spaces.

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole

Sophie Menanteau (City of Montpellier filming office)
s.menanteau@montpellier3m.fr  / Phone : +33 (0)4 67 34 88 80

Ville de Sète

Kader Bouallaga (City of Sète filming office)
k.bouallaga@ville-sete.fr / Cell : +33 (0)6 85 72 88 77